
Aechangelsky, M. (1999) Larvae of Neotoropical Berosus (Coleoptera, Hdrophilidae): B. aulus Orchymont, 1941 and B. auriceps boheman, 1859. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 142: 1-8.
Aechangelsky, M. (2002) Larvae of Neotoropical Berosus (Coleoptera, Hdrophilidae): B. toxacanthus Oliva, 1989, B. coptoginus Jensen-Haarup, 1910, B. cornicinus Knisch, 1922 and B. auriceps Boheman, 1859. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 145: 19-28./卵はオタマジャクシ状のケースに1,2個入っている
Aechangelsky, M. and M. E. Durand (1992) Description of the immature stages and biology of Phaenonotum exstriatum (Say, 1835) (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 46(3): 209-215./PhaenonotumはCoelostomatiniの一属。
Aechangelsky, M. and L. A. Fernendes (1994) Description of the preimaginal stages and biology of Phaenonotum (Hydroglobus) puncticolle bruch (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Aquatic Insects, 16(1): 55-63./未見
Spangler, P. J. (1962) Description of the Larva and Pupa of Ametor scabrosus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 16(1): 16-20. Mar./マルガムシの近縁属
Spangler, P. J. (1966) A description of the larva of Derallus rudis Sharp (Coleoptera: Hydprophilidae. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 20(4): 97-103./DerallusはBerosiniの一属。
Aechangelsky, M. and L. A. Fernandez (2005) Description of New Neotropical Berosini Larvae: Derallus paranensis and Hemiosus dejeanii (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 59(2): 211-220./未見。Watts (2002)がマメガムシ属の幼虫を記載しているらしい。
Sowig, P. (1997) Predation among Sphaeridium larvae: the role of starvation and size differences (Coleoptera Hydrophilidae). Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 9(3): 241-251./ハバビロガムシ
Aechangelsky, M. (2004) Higher-level phylogeny of Hydrophilinae (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) based on larval, pupal and adult characters. Systematic Entomology, 29(2): 188-214./未見
Aechangelsky, M. (2002) Immature Stages of Neotropical Enochrus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae): E. (Methydrus) lampros Knisch, 1924 and E. (Hugoscottia) tremolerasi Knisch, 1922. Aquatic Insects, 24(1): 41-52./未見
Anderson, J. M. E. (1976) Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera). The biology of some Australian species with description of immature stages reared in the loboratory. Australian Journal of Entomology, 15 (2): 219-228./未見。Helochares tristis (Macleay), Helochares nitescens (Fauvel), Enochrus maculiceps (Macleay), Enochrus elongulatus (Macleay)。
Aechangelsky, M. and M. Fikacek (2004) Descriptions of the egg case and larva of Anacaena and a review of the knowledge and relationships between larvae of Anacaenini (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Hydrophilinae). Eur. J. Entomol. 101(4): 629-636. /コマルガムシの仲間